Saturday, October 24, 2015

This Week in Nevada: the Corrupt & Rigged Political System

District 3 in Nevada

The political system is so corrupt and rigged.

This week, there was a huge news story about the district for Congress I'll be running here in Nevada.

The story in a nutshell talked about Democrat voter registration in the district is taking a rise, but it's a really conservative District. And the Democratic party here in Nevada is struggling to find a big name Democratic politician to get behind for the primary next year. No way will the big name political system get behind a liberal, no money candidate like me. I'm on my own.

Screw 'em. It's things like this that people are showing they're sick and fed up about.

I can't do all this by myself though. Help me make it happen!!!

Friday, October 16, 2015

This Week's Democratic Debate - The Issues

It's time for a political revolution.

Did you see the debate this week?

The Democratic candidates got a lot right.

Bernie Sanders rocked. And he says a lot to things that are right on track with my values and beliefs.

According to Bernie's definition of 'Democratic Socialist', I guess I'm a Democratic Socialist. A lot of us are Democratic Socialists.

The best 2 parts of this week's debate: when Bernie Sanders said Climate Change was the greatest national security threat; and when he stood up for Hillary with the email scandal.

There's a lot of issues that were covered I've got strong opinions on:

Gun control
Race and Civil Rights
NSA Surveillance
Climate Change
Recreational Pot

Bernie also got some major things right: we have a rigged economy and a corrupt political system.

I just got word that the congressional district I'll be running in here in Nevada, the incumbent Republican is running for the Senate seat being vacated by Harry Reid. So someone new will take over this District. It's time for a regular guy, who's liberal, free thinking, and not a politician to get in.

Help me make it happen!!!



Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Today's Issues: and the New Go Fund Me Campaign

There are a lot of things going on in this country right now that are screaming for change.

Just reading the newspaper this morning, looking at the headlines, the top stories all scream for change.

Gun violence in Oregon. Abortion issues with Planned Parenthood. Capital punishment with executions in Texas. Healthcare and drugs. Senior citizens, aging, Medicare and Social Security. Civil rights issues with women, gays, blacks. Global warming and climate change with the extreme weather in South Carolina.

All of the top news stories deal with issues that need extreme change in this country
And if you look at the polls, the top candidates right now are candidates outside of Washington with no political experience.

The country is screaming for change.

In the first 24 hours, we reached 10 percent of our goal!

Thank you!
