Friday, October 16, 2015

This Week's Democratic Debate - The Issues

It's time for a political revolution.

Did you see the debate this week?

The Democratic candidates got a lot right.

Bernie Sanders rocked. And he says a lot to things that are right on track with my values and beliefs.

According to Bernie's definition of 'Democratic Socialist', I guess I'm a Democratic Socialist. A lot of us are Democratic Socialists.

The best 2 parts of this week's debate: when Bernie Sanders said Climate Change was the greatest national security threat; and when he stood up for Hillary with the email scandal.

There's a lot of issues that were covered I've got strong opinions on:

Gun control
Race and Civil Rights
NSA Surveillance
Climate Change
Recreational Pot

Bernie also got some major things right: we have a rigged economy and a corrupt political system.

I just got word that the congressional district I'll be running in here in Nevada, the incumbent Republican is running for the Senate seat being vacated by Harry Reid. So someone new will take over this District. It's time for a regular guy, who's liberal, free thinking, and not a politician to get in.

Help me make it happen!!!



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